Address and Contact

Haypost CJSC, odštěpný závod Europe - Prague branch

Address: Bulharská 996/20, Vršovice, 101 00 Praha 10 Česká Republika

IČO: 06861181

A 78611 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

odpovědná osoba:

JUAN PABLO GECHIDJIAN, Yerevan, Arménská republika

Haypost CJSC, odštěpný závod Europe - Prague branch is the newly established official ETOE of Haypost CJSC, operating in the EU.

We operate only on contractual bases with listed companies. For now, our services are not open for public.

For inquires and/or questions please contact [email protected] ..

Privacy Policy

Terms of postal services provided by “HayPost” CJSC

“HayPost” CJSC is the Designated Operator of Postal Communication of the Republic of Armenia (RA), specialized in provision of physical and legal entities with domestic and international main and additional postal services on the basis of the documents issued by the regulatory authorities of the Republic of Armenia and certificates issued by the Czech Republic and the Universal Postal Union. These terms are defined according to the Legislation of the RA and they regulate the conditions for the provision of international postal services.

1. Terms of collection, handling and transportation of international postal items

1.1 The collection of international postal items from customers and the registrations thereof are carried out by “HayPost” CJSC in accordance with the legal acts of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). Items to be submitted to customs control shall bear on the front a CN 22 customs declaration, or a CP 71 dispatch note. If the value of a small package exceeds 300 SDR, it shall also be accompanied by CN 23 customs declarations. The CN 22 customs declaration shall be affixed on the address side, in so far as possible in the top left-hand corner, beneath the sender's name and address. CN 23 customs declarations shall be securely attached to the outside of the item, preferably in a transparent adhesive envelope. CN22/CN23 shall be affixed duly to be explicitly visible during the customs handling. Post operators shall accept no liability for the completion of customs declarations, regardless of the form thereof. Completion of customs declarations shall be the responsibility of the sender alone. However, the Post Office operators in charge of customer service shall inform their customers on how to comply with customs declarations, and specifically to ensure that CN 22 and CN 23 customs declarations are fully completed, in order to facilitate rapid clearance of items. For that purpose, the operators shall follow that all the fields of the customs declarations are filled in according to the front side terms. One of the important conditions is the signature of the sender on the documents, which confirms the authenticity of the declarations. The order of completion of CN 23 customs declaration is described on the blank’s front side, which shall be accepted from the sender after its completion and after the provision of the item to the Post. The contents of the item shall be shown in detail on the customs declaration by the sender, including the quantity and measurement unit of every article, its value and currency, its weight and general weight with package. Indications of a general kind shall not be admitted (for instance: spare parts, food, sweets, etc.). The information completed in the customs declarations shall be full, correct and intelligible. Otherwise it may lead to delayed delivery and cause inconveniences to the addressee. The declarations with fake or wrong information may lead to delayed delivery or confiscation of the item. The senders of commercial items shall also indicate the country of origin of the item and the six-digit code specified in the Harmonized System of the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature, affixing a commercial invoice from outside, as well as a certificate of origin or license, if necessary. The item’s contents may be subject to restrictions. Therefore, the sender may also attach, along with the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration, any document (invoice, export or import license, certificate of origin, sanitary certificate, etc.) necessary for customs treatment. The sender shall indicate the type of the item (present, document, commercial sample, returned product, etc.).

1.2 A unique barcode is designated for every item, giving the possibility to identify the item as per the code of the postal operator which provides the transportation service. The barcode corresponds to the UPU standards and contains technical details which may be used to identify the postal operator.

1.3 Based on the circulars received from the UPU, “HayPost” CJSC shall inform its clients about the prohibited items and restrictions of contents in the international postal items addressed to the member states of the Union, as well as the customs formalities thereof.

1.4 The correct packaging is a relevant condition for the secure and complete delivery of any item. The packaging of every item shall correspond to its weight, form, type of contents, shipment duration and mean of transport. Packaging shall be ensured duly to avoid harming the employees who carry out its handling, as well as other items and postal equipments, protecting the item during the whole chain of handling and transportation. Packaging shall be constructed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused under pressure or by changes in temperature and further handling. Some items require special packaging to ensure their protection:
-- Articles of glass or other fragile objects shall be packed in a strong box filled with an appropriate protective material.
-- Liquids and substances which easily liquefy shall be enclosed in perfectly leak-proof containers. Each container shall be placed in a special strong box.
-- Fatty substances, such as ointments, soft-soap, resins, dry coloring powders, shall be enclosed in a first packing (box, bag of cloth) which is itself placed in a box stout enough to prevent the contents from leaking.

1.5 The list of prohibitions defined in the Article 19 of the UPU Convention refers to any international postal item.

1.6 In order to carry out the handling, sorting processes and the delivery of the item to the addressee within the established terms, the sender shall provide a full and correct address, which will allow implementing the shipment. The right position of the address upon the item makes it possible to read the recipient’s address right, to sort the item both automatically and manually, and to deliver it fast. The envelope or package shall contain only one address of the sender and the recipient. The addresses of postal items shall be intelligible and full, it is preferable to fill in also the telephone numbers of the sender and the recipient. The addresses shall be written in Roman letters and in Arabic figures. The address shall be in English or in French or in another language accepted in the country of destination. If the language of the country of destination is not an internationally recognized language, the name of the country shall be added in an internationally recognized language (English or French).

1.7 The maximal weight of the item shall not exceed 20 kg, in case of EMS items: 30 kg (it may vary per countries).

1.8 The delivery period consists from 15-20 days and includes from the item’s acceptance from the collection office to its delivery to the warehouse of “HayPost” CJSC in the Czech Republic, the item’s handling, in case of the item’s delivery: customs examination and formalities, addressed delivery to the addressee’s residence, provision of the item to the addressee after the payment of the customs duties if there are any duties to pay.

1.9 Claims The conditions of the customer service and the procedure of accepting claims are regulated by the terms of provision of postal services by “HayPost” CJSC. “HayPost” CJSC guarantees the integrity and security of international postal items. If the packaging is damaged during the transportation or storage of the item, it shall be repacked before being shipped and provided to the customer. The queries about the items are sent on the basis of the written applications of the senders, accepted within 6 months from the delivery of the item. The query application shall be sent to “HayPost” CJSC, 22 Saryan, 0002 Yerevan, RA, or to the e-mails [email protected] and [email protected] . The application shall contain information about the lost item and to have the copy of the delivery check attached. “HayPost” shall reply the query within 30 calendar days from its receipt and, in appropriate cases, take a decision about the indemnity for the lost item. The query’s reply shall be postponed for other 30 days if it becomes necessary to find out in which country the item was lost. In case of adopting a decision to pay indemnity, “HayPost” CJSC undertakes to pay it within 30 working days.

1.10 “HayPost” CJSC accepts from the sender and the recipient also claims about the quality of the postal services (postal delivery, provision of notification to the recipient about the item, etc.). The claims shall be sent to “HayPost” CJSC, 22 Saryan, 0002 Yerevan, RA or to the e-mail [email protected] . “HayPost” CJSC must examine them and reply within 15 working days. If the issue requires further studies, the deadline may be prolonged up to 30 days.

1.11 Delivery proof. When handing the item to the addressee, the recipient’s name, surname and ID details shall be filled in the corresponding blank. The blank shall be signed by the sender. Upon the sender’s request, the copy of the blank may be also sent to the sender, as a proof of delivery.

1.12 The unpaid or partially paid items can be handed to the recipient only after the implementation of all the payments by the sender or the recipient.

1.13 The undelivered items are returned to the sender if:
- The sender requests in written to return the item;
- The recipient refuses to take the item, and the sender requests in written to return it;
- In case of the recipient’s death;
- In other cases of impossibility of the item’s delivery to the recipient, the costs of the item’s return are paid by the sender.

1.14 Rules of handling undelivered items: After the expiration of the item’s storage deadline, if it has not be delivered to the addressee and it is not subject to return, according to the RA Law on Postal Communication, “The provisional storage of the non-required postal items and non-required monetary funds is implemented during six months by the postal operator”. After the expiration of the storage deadline, “HayPost” CJSC shall fully or partially eliminate the item’s contents if they are not subject of further use.

1.15 Protection of confidentiality of the customer’s private data and the item. The customer’s private data shall be used only for the purpose that they were collected for. The employees of “HayPost” must protect the confidentiality and security of private data and inform their customers about the use of their private data and the purpose of collection thereof.